For many, this thought Love Yourself may seem so incomprehensible that it will cause outrage and conflicting emotions… To forgive does not mean to accept and forgive bad attitude towards yourself, injustice, ruthlessness and indifference, cruelty, aggression in words and actions, empty promises, thereby recognizing these actions are lawful and permissible in relation to oneself, calling into question one’s human dignity, one’s understanding of justice MeetMe.com and humanity, one’s attitude towards oneself as a person. To forgive is to TAKE your energy from this difficult situation, the experience of a relationship of misunderstanding, violence and aggression towards you. CLEAR your soul and body from negative emotions and tension. REMOVE the past. The PAST, which poisons life in the PRESENT and affects the FUTURE.
Forgiveness is a very difficult thing. – Love Yourself
Many feel like they have received a bullet in the heart, abandoned, deceived, used… How can you even imagine forgiveness, under such circumstances… It does not fit in the concept of reason…. It just seems impossible. However, this is the only way to regain the former state of soul and spirit, the state of inner peace and harmony.
Someone did something bad to you, they betrayed you, deceived you, spat in your soul… This in itself is terrible. Only it WAS . Elitesingles Don’t let the wounds from the PAST shape your life TODAY and NOW and destroy your FUTURE .
You may be thinking:
- “If I forgive him now, then I’m just weak and he has the right to do whatever he pleases …”
- “Okay, I will forgive, but only if he apologizes a hundred times. But at the same time, I will never forget this situation. ”
- “I want revenge…”
- “No matter what I do, I can’t be happy anymore…”
You have to decide to forgive – Love Yourself
If you do not do this, then you will be left alone with your pain for a long time. How important is it for you to constantly live the past, refresh and savor the feeling of resentment, revenge, guilt? The person who hurt you has already forgotten everything or is simply indifferent to what happened. He just doesn’t remember. What does it give you? Do resentment, rage, bitterness help you go forward, towards your desires and dreams? THIS (resentment, anger, guilt, doubt and self-flagellation) BLOCK THE PRESENT AND FUTURE. These feelings NEED to be forgiven.
Free yourself from those feelings in which you have lived for so long and now continue to live. If you love yourself, don’t let those VictoriaHearts.com review feelings consume you. Tell yourself directly: “I know that all these negative thoughts are hurting me, preventing me from moving on. I love myself and want to live on, enjoy life.” .
Forgiveness is the rejection of resentment, unkind feelings, rejection of revenge or demands for retribution and compensation for the suffering brought. The importance of forgiveness lies in the fact that by forgiving, we become happier and healthier. Hidden resentment leads to great, hidden and long-term stress, the result of which can be real diseases of the body.
Forgiveness is a refusal to be a victim – Love Yourself
Resentment can also arise in us when our expectations do not coincide with reality (they are not justified). If you were offended, that is, your expectations were deceived and you keep the offense in yourself for a long time, you are stuck in an unfinished situation. You give the black “hole” of resentment, part of your life energy, which you need for health, well-being. If you think that by carrying a grudge in yourself, you are punishing the one who offended you, then you are mistaken.
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Holding a grudge in yourself, you punish only yourself, your body and soul. You focus your eyes on your feelings, feel sorry for yourself and plunge headlong into the role of a victim… Why is this role dangerous? If you held a grudge for a long time, then you played the role of a victim. The victim on his life path always attracts “executioners” – people who will mock, mock, hurt …Forgiveness is a refusal to be a victim. By forgiving, you open your arms to life and remove the splinter of resentment from your own wound.